Freitag, 30. Mai 2008

Bear Butte: Musterbrief zum Versand an die Meade County Commission

Dieser Text kann zum Versand an die Meade County Commission verwendet werden.

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Attn: Meade County Auditor
Meade County Board of Commissioners
1425 Sherman Street
Sturgis, SD 67625
Via fax: 605-347-5925
via email:

Dear County Commissioners:

I oppose the new application for a Malt Beverage liquor license application submitted by General Manager, David Shoe dba Broken Spoke Campground, LLC. The proposed application is for a location that is unsuitable. I request that Meade County Commissioner’s deny the new application. Broken Spoken Campground, LLC formally known as Sturgis County Line, LLC lies within 2 miles North of the actual base of Bear Butte and threatens the natural and historic resources there.

The NEW Malt Beverage license application should be denied because the locations are not suitable. These large scale commercial developments invite noise and cumulative impacts of increased traffic and travel, which all stand to adversely impact the natural serenity and tranquility needed for cultural, ceremonial and other visitations to Bear Butte. They will also negatively impact the experience of people who enjoy the spiritual, cultural, and natural resources at Bear Butte.

The application should be denied on the basis that the applicants are not suitable characters to hold a beer and/or liquor license as proposed. The new application license for General Manager, David Shoe dba Broken Spoke Campground, LLC should be denied based upon unsuitable character and misrepresentation. The new investors of Broken Spoke Campground, LLC, Target Logistics Corporation, have been made fully aware of the significance and protection for Bear Butte. Issues include, the unsuitability of this location, unacceptable noise and disturbance, that this location continues to cause, to those who travel to Bear Butte who need solitude and serenity. They fail to take into account local concerns of impacts to the spiritual, cultural, and natural resources at Bear Butte. Bear Butte is a place of prayer where the natural environment needs to be free from negative influences of alcohol that could affect religious beliefs and practices of those who travel from around the world to pray.

The new investors, Target Logistics Corporation, dba Broken Spoke Campground, LLC have announced plans for additional development and expansions at Broken Spoke Campground. Their expansions include, opening all year round and hosting various rally events in June, July in addition to August. The loud noise and music from this location throughout the summer will directly effect, encroach upon and interfere with the experience of people who wish to pray and/or visit Bear Butte in seclusion. Many Native Nations and their member’s travel to Bear Butte to pray throughout the year. Bear Butte, a Historical Landmark and sacred site should be protected from the negative influences of beer, liquor and drugs.

I respectfully request for the Meade County Commissioners to DENY the new Malt Beverage license to General Manager, David Shoe and Broken Spoke Campground, LLC

